普段着の着物とは :About the kimono of the casual wear
It is a kimono as the everyday wear including the slight outing and shopping. You should utilize a kimono to introduce below positively.
The Edo-dyed clothe is usable formally by changing the obi. In addition, I wear the fine pattern as a casual kimono. If it is Chilean men and embroidered silk, the thing of the texture if it is a thing of the dyeing, there is pongee.
- 織りの着物の代表格とも称される紬は、もともと出荷のできない質の劣る繭を使って織られた日常着でしが、現代の紬は、カジュアルなパーティーやレストランでの会食などにも着て行ける便利な着物です。
- It is a representative texture.
- It was arrival at daily life woven using the cocoon which the quality was inferior to.
- In the present age, I wear it for the dinner meetings at the casual party and restaurant.
- 【木綿】"momen2
- 着心地のよさと手頃な値段に定評のある木綿の着物は、素朴な着物らしく素足に履いた下駄や、ラフな印象の半幅帯を合わせることができます。木綿の着物を自宅で部屋着として着る場合は、裏地をつけない単衣(ひとえ)仕立てにすると日々のお手入れがとても楽になります。木綿の着物は、普段着の感覚で着られるうえ、入手もしやすいので着物の初心者におすすめです。
- It is good comfort and a reasonable price. I coordinate an obi and the clogs of the rough impression. When I wear it as a house coat, daily care becomes very easy when I make sewing not to line. It is recommended to a sense of the everyday wear, the beginner who is easy to obtain it.
Formal or everyday wear, both are usable. Please change an image with an obi
Production became uncommon recently. I am seen in an antique kimono well. There is a texture peculiar to wool and is warm in winter.